Volunteer Spotlight – Angela Schaefer, Esq.

Angela Schaefer, Esq.
Loftin Holt, LLP
1. How long have you volunteered?
I have volunteered since I began practicing in Huntsville, in September 2017.
2. Why do you volunteer?
I volunteer to use my talents and expertise to touch, in a small way, the lives of the more vulnerable members of our community. Volunteering with the VLP allows me to pass along a feeling of worthiness to individuals who otherwise do not have much of a voice.
3. What is your most memorable volunteer experience?
My most memorable volunteer experience has been helping a single mother negotiate her medical debt to a payment plan that was affordable and manageable for her. This woman was trying to get her financial affairs in order, but she was paralyzed with medical debt from a hospital stay. The relief she felt from being out from under the crushing weight of her debt was visible. I appreciated being able to perform a small part of her overall effort to gain control of her finances.
4. What advice can you give other attorneys who are thinking about volunteering with the MCVLP?
No matter what area of law you practice in, you have the skills and knowledge to assist those in need. Also, not every pro bono referral will become a fully involved matter. Many individuals can benefit greatly just by talking through his or her issue with an attorney, and longer-term representation may be unnecessary. So, time does not have to be your excuse to forego volunteering.